Never has there been a time in our modern history where the collective ruling elite has been so disjointed from the masses. Despite record crowds demonstrating at protests in the UK, US, Germany and France, and despite the tide of public opinion shifting towards the Palestinian narrative and the rise of condemnation of Israel’s barbaric conduct, the western leaders continue to serve the hand that feeds them.
Then again, never have we in our modern history seen a genocide unfold before our very eyes in such vivid detail, and been absolutely powerless to stop it. The helplessness is not only felt by the common man, however. Even the mighty UN is next to useless, proclaiming condemnations that do not effect any change, and handing out resolutions which never get implemented.
This is because the world’s superpowers have joined with all of their military, political and economic might to fight a besieged strip of land a grand total of 141 square miles long. This is not a David vs Goliath moment, nor a 300 Spartans cut scene. It’s an unprecedented display of premeditated genocide, cultural annihilation, collective punishment and quite frankly, ultimate, pathetic and shameless cowardice and hypocrisy. Not only has the world helped Israel; an occupier; impose a draconian blockade, cut off the besieged nation’s water, food and electricity, shut down their internet, blow up their hospitals and places of worship, and displace more than 90% of the native population, but they’ve also joined in militarily and economically too. It beggars belief. It literally does! That Israel, itself one of the most funded and sophisticated militaries and ranked amongst the strongest in the world, sucks so bad at losing to unarmed boys and girls with stones and sticks that it needs the rest of the “civilised” world to help send it more munitions so it can suck a little less at making an absolute joke of itself. Words fail to describe the absurdity of what is taking place before our very eyes.
Never has it been more obvious that international laws only apply to some and not others. From ignoring UN resolutions to having friends in high places veto every criticism levelled against it, Israel is that despised pariah state that everyone secretly hates, but are too afraid to call out publicly. When those with some spine, integrity and courage do decide to stand against the oppressors despite the odds and the clear disparity between their military power and global support, the axis of evil unite against them, of course, all in “self defence”. Just another wonderful example of a contronym in the right-is-wrong-and-wrong-is-right world we live in currently.
Never have we clearly seen the double standards of those who champion human rights, freedom and liberty. From anti-establishment billionaires quickly succumbing to the whims and desires of their real masters (this and this), to global celebrities and famous personalities who, while being very vocal when it came to Ukraine vs Russia, are all but silent when the same is unfolding in the middle-east despite the scale of devastation, annihilation and suffering being many magnitudes higher. When a few do speak out, they quickly buckle under public pressure and lose their voice when faced with the cancel culture. Elon Musk, Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro, Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez, Mike Tyson, Adam Sosnick, Piers Morgan. These are just a few of the prominent names. Many more are hiding under the covers should they lose their followers, clout and earnings. History will not forget their treachery, collusion, hypocrisy, and silence.
Their silence doesn’t come as a surprise though, because it’s not just the folks running the governments who are in collusion with the Apartheid state of Israel, but also social media giants and big tech. We are used to the suppression of Palestinian voices by now, it’s not something new, but even tech heralded as world-changing, censorship-resistant and the “future of the web” is now in cohorts with the evil and wicked. From Binance stealing Palestinian crypto and handing it to their oppressors, to banks closing Palestinian accounts, to the world powers even supporting the perpetrator confiscate money from exchanges and freezing Palestinian assets. The last two are expected, but special thanks to Binance for ensuring that blockchains get their fair mention in this whole farce as well.
The anti-Palestinian crackdown is visible all across the globe whether it be Europe, US or even the Middle East. The blatant display of hypocrisy and double standards is more apparent now than ever before. Here is a list of just SOME cases where the veil has been lifted and it has become clear that some lives are more valuable than others, and some standards only apply in some cases:
United Kingdom
- Openly and proudly funding and arming the oppressed, Ukraine, so that it can “defend” itself against an occupier; while at the same time, unashamedly funding and arming the occupier, Israel, as it carries out a genocide in Gaza. You can’t make this stuff up! Right to proclaim moral superiority and unrivalled standards of integrity? CHECK.
- Revoking citizenship of a 15-year old girl who was groomed and joined ISIS but never actually committed any documented crime, but completely ignoring the multitude of British citizens joining Israel’s genocide in Gaza and coming back with documented evidence and videos showing their war crimes. Where do you even begin to describe the absurdity of this one? The groomed child is labelled a terrorist and barred entry, whilst the fighting-age war criminals do not even afford the batting of an eyelid and can even organise and participate in fundraising events to brainwash more kids to join terrorism. Demonstrating highest standards of impartiality? CHECK.
- Supporting Israel at the ICJ despite overwhelming and clear evidence of Israel committing a genocide. Right to proclaim Europe as a beacon of justice? CHECK.
- Silencing pro-Palestinian voices and state repression against Palestine. Freedom of speech and expression? BIG CHECK.
- Special immigration pathway for Ukrainians: no cap, fee and procedures waived, more than 210,000 Ukrainians successful cases.
- Temporary scheme for Palestinians: caps? But of course! Waivers? Forget that. Have fun filling in extra forms and listing every scar on your body instead.
- Announcing £75,000 grant for Israelis affected by the attacks, whilst cutting funding for UNRWA who is looking after 2m Palestinians undergoing genocide. Always doing the right thing no matter how difficult? CHECK.
And the list could go on and on and on. The hypocrisy was always there, we just needed to see it. And what happens when you give a pariah state free reign to do what it wants with zero sense of resposibility and accountability? 3 year olds being gunned down by sniper fire as they struggle to reach their parents and hospital after hospital begin raided and medics being tortured. Well done.
But we have to give credit where it’s due. When the West is asked about clear documented cases of war crimes and atrocities, we are told one of two things:
So, I’m sorry Hind. I’m sorry that you were in a car with your aunt, uncles and cousins when it got hit by the most civilised army in the world. I’m sorry that you had to watch your loved ones die in front of you. I’m sorry that you felt terrified because of the gunfire and explosions echoing around you, and because it was getting dark and you were injured and you were only 6 years of age with no food or water. I’m sorry that you had to spend the night alone and terrified as the diaper force carried on “clearing the area of Hamas”. I’m sorry that the medics that were dispatched to save you didn’t make it either, despite getting clearance from the diaper force to come to your rescue. I’m sorry that you had to spend your last moments in a state of confusion, terror, and helplessness. I’m sorry that we will not see you smile again, at least in this transitionary and temporary world. I just want to assure you that the US is “investigating” the matter with their “Israeli partners”. They will not find anything though, and they will keep investigating for years. If, by some miracle, they do find something, it’ll be a slap on the wrist and a *wink wink*, with business resuming as usual soon after.
Let’s wait and see who the “civilised” western world is going to “educate” next. There are so many nations where one must promote “democracy”, “freedom of speech and expression”, “justice”, “human rights”, “impartiality”, “integrity”, and the “Western values”. It’s only a matter of time, really. West must do its duty and liberate.
Viva la West.
You’ve accomplished much. Look at all these dead terrorists. May you never have a peaceful night’s sleep again.