As I lay broken and wounded from an oppression that is incessant,
Fighting for my survival, no, my very existence;
You may be thinking that I am nothing more than a passing memory,
A glitch in the matrix, a break in reality;
A temporary setback, a few months of misery,
A slight discomfort, as you distort the truth and defile me;
You see me as a body abused, all the limbs broken,
A hope fading, your lip-service now just an empty token;
You think you’ve broken me, taking all that is dear from me,
It would certainly seem so, as you starve and indiscriminately bombard me.
My people, displaced or imprisoned,
My treasures, stolen and confiscated,
My children, starved and orphaned,
My men, maimed and martyred,
My mothers, weeping and clutching,
My daughters, missing or buried.
My hospitals and mosques that your bombs ensured are not safe to be,
My land that you helped besiege by land and sea.
Despite the atrocities growing day by day,
And the war crimes being committed, as clear as night and day,
You continue to stand by, as a silent witness or as an accessory,
To the ethnic cleansing and the genocide of me!
But you will never silence the truth, and definitely not that of me,
I will not be forgotten, but you will be.
My place in history is, was and will be,
But you will be forgotten with all the rest of the wannabees.
I am the land of the Prophets, martyrs and the hospitable ones,
So you will NEVER break me, not you nor the rest of the despicable ones,
Your tyranny will end, and your memory will fade,
Your crimes will be unearthed, and your children will be ashamed,
Because I’m not YOUR promised land, or HIS. I’m GOD’S LAND.
I’m Palestine…. and will continue to be,
So do your worst. If you have Europe and the US, then sufficient it is that God is with me.
حَسْبُنَا ٱللَّهُ وَنِعْمَ ٱلْوَكِيلُ
‘Sufficient for us is Allah, and [He is] the best Disposer of affairs.’